Monday, May 21, 2012

Black-bellied Plover

Got a message this morning that a Black-bellied Plover (199) was on the beach at Lk St. Clair Metropark... Headed out the door by 0715 and headed that way where I met Tom and Kevin on the beach.... Very nice looking bird....   Tom saw some Semipalmated Sandpipers but they were gone by the time I got there... They headed for the woods, I headed to work....

On the way home from work I drove down 28 mi rd.... I have been stopping and listening for Grasshopper Sparrows.... No luck but I did come across two Male Orchard Orioles fighting over a female on Teller Rd near 27 mi rd.... As I listened for Grasshopper Sparrows I heard a Vesper Sparrow calling from a tree next to the field.... I made my way over there and managed a couple of pics before it took off.....   

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